
Almost three years ago, in the Hebrew year 5774 (or 2013), I had more or less just started learning about Judaism and was still touching on the basics of each topic. Rosh Hashana had just ended and I was speaking with a friend about it, when she suddenly said, “I’m sad because Yom Kippur is … More Shabbos

Saying Thank You

“Imagine you’re driving and very nearly get into an accident! You would be thanking G-d like crazy that you got through it safe. But what if you got to your destination with no incident whatsoever? How grateful do you think you’d be to G-d?” Dr. Dovid Lieberman asked in one of his classes. He gives … More Saying Thank You

Keep Trying

“Bernice, play this,” my violin teacher said (in case there are any other violinists reading this, it was Kreutzer etude #33). I started playing it, regularly starting and stopping to grimace at how bad I sounded, not to mention out of tune. I had been playing for about thirty seconds when my violin teacher stopped … More Keep Trying

Sanctifying G-d

A few weeks back I wrote about Morning Blessings, and that got me really thinking about each blessing more carefully. And then I realized: I had always wondered about “sleep from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids” … why the differentiation? How was sleep different from slumber? I wrote my mentor Eliezer about it, … More Sanctifying G-d